The story of Elly Kleinman and Americare: Part 1

American Elly Kleinman

Elly Kleinman is the founder and president of The Americare Companies. He has founded Americare Companies over 30 years ago. Americare provides an extensive range of services for their clients, which include home healthcare, services for rehabilitation and international nurse recruitment and also encompassing professional, paraprofessional and supplementary services. Mr. Kleinman started working in the home health care system since the 1970s. Elly Kleinman offers a wide range of health care services, which include physical and occupational therapy, services for nutrition, and different types of geriatric care for seniors. Kleinman also makes a contribution to charity organizations. The Americare Companies, are based in Brooklyn, New York. He is at same time member of the of Home Care Association of New York. Elly represents the interests of more than 400 providers, who provide care for thousands of New York citizens through his public-service organization.

Through communications with policymakers the Home Care Association offers the members information and acts as their supporter.

The Home Care Association attempts to help home care suppliers stay up to date with the current conditions and upcoming changes in this industry and provides many advantages to members. The major benefit is representation with elected officials, fiscal intermediaries, and regulating agents. Another benefit is the organization’s publications, which include a weekly newsletter – ASAP available in print and online that informs the readers on relevant public policy and legislative matters. Furthermore, this organization also accommodates forums that bring together members in order to share ideas. Many educational programs and events are contributed by The Home Care Association of New York.

The Americare Companies, presents a group of four companies which offer a wide range of healthcare services such as home care and many other services. Moreover, Elly Kleinman and The Americare Companies are signed as authors of several books that have helped out to a great number of people in need throughout New York.

Continue Reading – Part 2